Tour overview

Kimani falls is one of the best attraction in Mpanga-Kipengere Game Reserve along the Kimani river. The falls is 250 meters high with many huge plunge pool at the base.

The Kimani Falls scenery is a spectacle of huge stones and several river beds with a unique and very different view from the usual sightseeing visits. Perfect for hiking and exploration excursions.

Everything is green around the Falls that bear water streaming from the rocks including a  good pool for swimming and shady trees in the dry season. It is possible to wade across the river, or make ones way across the rocks.

Visit the falls for picnic and luxury tourism, adventure tourism and a day out of home,


  • Tour/Driver Guide
  • Transport
  • Park Entrance Fees
  • Lunch Box
  • Drinking Water

Not Included

  • Camping
  • Beverages
  • Photographer
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Tour Plan

This is a day trip. Most visitors are always satisfied spending a day at the falls. However, camping may be available if you wish to stay at the reserve overnight.

09:00 - Pickup/Meet & Travelling to the falls
10:40 - Arrive at the Park's gate
10:50 - 11:30 Touring Mpanga Kipengere Game Reserve
11:35 - Arrival at the falls
11:40 - 16:30 - Activities at the falls
16:45 - Leaving Mpanga Kipengere Game Reserve
17:00 - End of Tour


Photography, Narratives, Lunch, Story telling & Wildlife.

More Sites in the Park

Kimani Cave was one of the strongest fort of Chief Mkwawa. The Caves were used by Chief, his family and his troops. Remains of households items and fighting tools can be found. Visitors can access this cave.

Nyaugenge Falls
The park is a home to many falls, apart from the incredible Kimani Falls, visitors may do a little hike to Nyaugenge falls which is amazingly good. Monkeys can be seen during the hike.


The falls are found in Mpanga Kipengere Game Reserve. The Reserve operate with standard Tanzania Wildlife regulations. In recent years no visitors has sighted any animals within the reserve. Please adhere to parks regulations.

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