Tour overview

Kitulo is one of the great and beautiful floral spectacles of the world, a rare botanical marvel and home of more than 350 species of vascular plants, including 45 varieties of terrestrial orchid, which erupt into a riotous wildflower display of breath taking scale and diversity during the main rainy season of October to May. Kitulo national park is a wintering site for various bird species from South Africa, North Africa and Europe, they use Kitulo as wintering area and it’s the only place in Africa that is attractive by bird watching.

Mwakipembo Falls

The climate is  influenced by the altitude, lake Nyasa and is largely temperate, the maximum of 14.5ºc to 18ºc and  minimum ranges from 7ºc to 8ºc between December and April but it can go as low as 0.5ºc from June to August. The annual rainfall is 1600mm ranging from 1500-1700mm from October to May.

Photo: Nhumbe Falls in Kitulo

This botanical paradise of Africa is surrounded by the local tribes where by visitors can learn their culture, traditional and taboos by interacting; these tribes are the Kinga, Wanji, Safwa and Nyakyusa who lives a simple life style as small scale farmers and livestock keepers.

Kitulo national park can be reached ease through Songwe International Airport; 83kms via Isyonje and 125kms via Chimala. A road from Mbeya city-Isyonje-Kitulo is 67kms: Mbeya city-Chimala-Kitulo is 103kms, and by railway transport using Tazara.

Availability of accommodation inside and outside the park makes Kitulo safe place to visit while enjoying the natural flowers as well as the great work of our Creator.

Zebras at the Park.

Kitulo is still the most beautiful nature garden in the world.



  • Tour/Driver Guide
  • Transport
  • Park Entrance Fees
  • Lunch Box
  • Drinking Water
  • Kitulo Diary Farm Tour

Not Included

  • Camping
  • Beverages
  • Photographer
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Tour Plan

08:00 - Pick up/Meet & Travelling to the Kitulo
10:05 - Arrive at the Park's gate
10:10 - 13:00 Activities at the falls
13:03 - Lunch
11:40 - 17:30 - Activities at the falls
17:55 - Leaving the Park
19:00 - End of Tour


Photography, Narratives, Lunch, Story telling & Wildlife.


This is a day trip. Most visitors are always satisfied spending a day at the park. However, camping/accommodation may be available if you wish to stay overnight.

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